Collection Page Building

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A captivating collection page can entice customers to delve deeper.

For example, your collection page is kind of cluttered with a low click-through rate. You need another neat and good-looking collection page. Veda can help you with that. You’ll just need to:

  • Click on the Collection Page on the sidebar
  • Hit Create new page button

  • Blank Page: Create a collection page from a blank page OR
  • Install a collection template and customize it to your own unique needs.

If you want to apply to all collections, tick “All” option. Otherwise, you can select specific collection(s) you wish to apply new page design. Remember to use “Search” function to find the collections faster.

If you can’t find the collection you want, click the Refresh button.

  • When you finish customizing the template, you can save it as a draft or publish it.

⚠️Heads up: See What’s the difference between the two buttons: “Publish and do not override” vs. “Confirm override”?

Written by Veda Builder – Next-Generation Shopify Page Builder Team.

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Collection Page Building

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