Cookie Consent

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Discover Veda’s Cookie Consent Add-On – the ultimate solution for user privacy and website compliance. With an intuitive interface, customization options, and automatic scanning, it’s easier than ever to gain user consent and adhere to global data protection laws. Ensure trust, transparency, and user-centricity with Veda’s Cookie Consent Add-On. Stay compliant, respect user preferences, and embrace a seamless browsing experience.

Cookie Consent Demo

Cookie Consent Demo

How to add Cookie Consent Add On In Your Page

  • Click Add-on → Add Add-ons
  • Hover on the Cookie Consent Add-on and click on add button

Congrats, you have successfully installed the Cookie Consent add-on to your page

How to customize the add-on

How to change title and description text of Cookie Consent Add-on

  • You can change the title of the cookie consent title by click on the title (1) veda will show you the text input for the title (2) and the text area for the description (3)

How to customize the “Reject” and “Accept” button

You can choose which button to customize here

After that you can customize your button. We provide to you many options to customize the button

  • Disable/Enable button (1)
  • Button text (2)
  • Disable/Enable button icon (3)
  • Icon (4)
  • Button position (5)
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Cookie Consent

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