Header & Footer Building

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Veda now delivers unprecedented versatility to visually craft the Header & Footer and apply to all Veda Pages, including Sticky Header and over 18 new captivating header-footer designs.

Especially with the integrated Mega Menu feature in the Header, users can easily access prominent products and collections at your store.

Step By Step to build Veda Header & Footer

Step 1: Click on Page from the Veda sidebar -> Header & Footer

If you’re editing a page type, you can go to Header & Footer by clicking on Global Header or Global Footer

Step 2: Process to build Global Header / Global Footer. After the Global Header / Global Footer is completed, click the Publish Header & Footer button.

If you want to save your building without publishing to your store, click Save as draft.

If you want to re-enable the theme’s default Header Footer, click Disable Veda Header & Footer.

Step 2: Process to build a page type such as a product page, when building the page, make sure that Enable Shopify Header & Footer is turned off. By unchecking this option, the Veda Header & Footer will replace the theme’s Header Footer.

If you’ve created a page template before, You can find this setting by clicking on the setting icon -> Page Settings -> Enable Shopify Theme Header & Footer and then Disable it.

How can I move a section from Main area to Header / Footer area?

If you’ve added a Header section to the Main page area, You can easily move to the Header area by clicking on the vertical three-dot nearby this section, then click on Move To Header / Move To Footer.

How can I disable the Shopify Header and Footer on pages not designed by Veda?

I can create a Home Page and Product Page in Veda and apply the Header and Footer to these two pages.

However, for other Page Types like the Cart Page and Blog Page, which are designed by the default theme is showing the both Shopify Header Footer and Veda Header Footer, how can disable Shopify Header and Footer into these pages?

To disable the Header and Footer, you’ll need to turn them off in the default theme.

First, click on Online Store, then click on the Customize button next to the Theme that you have assigned to Customize without affecting your live theme.

From there, proceed to disable the Header and Footer of the theme and click the Save button.

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Header & Footer Building

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