Customization in the Live Editor

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Customize your pages to perfection with our Live Editor guide. Learn how to add and modify elements and styles to create a unique look for your Shopify store.

The left sidebar


Add Section button: Veda provides various sections for different purposes. Don’t forget to use "Search Sections" function to narrow down your choices. Pick and install any section you want. The installed section will be added at the bottom.

Add section button

Install a section

Click on a section: Open the section to edit further and personalize it to your liking. You can change:

  • Preset template
  • Section settings: Background type (None, image, color & video), background overlay enable, background padding.
  • Content: Edit, move, duplicate or delete elements
  • Column: Choose a column for each device (up to 12 columns)
  • 3-dot icon beside section name: Edit code, rename, duplicate, export, import, and delete a section and re-order elements of the section.

Click on a section you want to edit

Minus (-) icon: Delete all sections. Eye icon: Hide/show a section. 3-dot icon: Edit code, rename, duplicate, export, import and delete a section. 6-dot icon: Drag-n-drop a section.


Add Add-ons button: Choose a built-in addon by Veda or a third-party one. Click the Add button if you want to install it.

For some add-ons you don’t need to pick a position such as a Popup, Scroll to Top or Cookie Consent. For others, you can determine where it should be located by clicking on the Add-on pick position button and selecting the position or Copy code into any section

The right live editor

Click on any section or element to customize it. Add a section to the top/bottom of any section. Hover over the section, and you’ll see a mini-setting toolbar: move up/down, duplicate, and delete the section.

Written by Veda Builder – Next-Generation Shopify Page Builder Team.

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Customization in the Live Editor

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